
Dear customers, let us introduce you our daughter-facility Gasper’s Mill, offering fine dining restaurant with quality cuisine, stylish accomodation and wellness. You can enjoy the services of Gasper’s Mill during your stay in Batizovc ... Read more

30. August 2017 12:22

Our organization completed important project, by which we have tried to help some of our customers. After the introduction of our organization directly to Dubai Civil Defense and subsequent audit of representatives of this authority, w ... Read more

30. August 2017 12:21

The transitional period until 01. 09. 2019. Read more

30. August 2017 12:20

Our testing laboratory has new Certificate of Accreditation No. S-159 issued by Slovak National Accreditation Service. The scope of accredited activities has been extended to cover tests according to EN 12101-1 Annex D, IMO Resolution ... Read more

30. August 2017 12:17